- Overview
- Curriculum Vision
- Primary Phase
- Secondary Phase
- Secondary Specific
- Subjects Curriculum
- English Curriculum
- Maths Curriculum
- Science Curriculum
- MFL - Languages Curriculum
- History Curriculum
- Geography Curriculum
- Religious Education Curriculum
- Art Curriculum
- Music Curriculum
- Drama Curriculum
- Design Technology Curriculum
- ICT Curriculum
- PE - Sport & Health Curriculum
- Citizenship Curriculum
- PSHCE/Personal Development Curriculum
- Reading Across the Curriculum
- Assessment
- Personal Development (RSE/PHSE/SMSC)
- Year 9 Options Choices
- GCSE Exam Information
- Reading at TLA
- National Assessments and Exams
- Library
Mental Health & Wellbeing
At Temple Learning Academy we understand that to reach our full potential we need to look after our wellbeing.
Staying Physically and mentally well is dependent on a variety of factors which we promote throughout our curriculum. We advocate staying fit and healthy through physical activity which we promote at social times by working alongside the ACE Sports coaches who deliver a variety of fun and active sessions to all our pupils. We also encourage pupils to complete their ‘mile a day’ on our specially designed circuit on the Primary Playground.
Looking after our body and mind by eating healthy meals, getting enough sleep, keeping our bodies clean and keeping our selves safe is taught through our Personal Development Curriculum (details of which can be found on the subject page).
The following video is great to give helpful tips about developing and maintaining good mental health with your child.
ACE Sports Support
At Temple Learning Academy we promote physical activity to support pupils with their health and well being. We use qualified Sports coaches to enhance outdoor provision during social times. Pupils have the opportunity to participate in football, dodgeball, dance, aerobics and a variety of other physical activities every break and lunch time. Ace Sports coaches also run 2 after school clubs on Tuesdays for KS1 and 2 pupils. They also run numerous sports competitions and tournaments throughout the year which our pupils participate in.
Student Councils
At Temple Learning Academy we value student voice and ensure it is represented through a variety of councils. We have School Council Representatives from Years 2-11 who meet regularly and feedback issues and initiatives. We also have student leaders in UKS2 who are shining examples of how TLA pupils should behave and learn.
The Arts Council was launched in September 2022 and involves KS2, 3 and 4 pupils developing the Arts through a variety of leaning events and initiatives. They have entered work in 2 external competitions to date and won tickets for ‘The Awakening’, a city of Culture event at Headingly Stadium and more recently secured a 2 day workshop from The Commonwealth Theatre delivering ‘Off the Curriculum’ Art sessions. The two days will involve external artists coming into school to work with a selection of KS2 pupils to deliver two Art training days based around critical thinking, themes selected by our students and skill development – TLA were one of only 6 schools in Leeds selected for this programme.
Social Times/breaktimes
We have recently invested in a variety of resources to support our pupils with purposeful, active play at breaks and lunchtimes. New playground markings and our ‘mile a day’ circuit encourage positive social interactions and healthy, active pupils. Pupils also have access to the ‘Scrapshed’ which helps develop imaginative play and enhance co-operation between peers. We have 8 playground monitors from Years 5 and 6 who help support with games and friendships and ensure everyone is looking after playground equipment.
The Green Team
The Green Team relaunched in January 2023 and meet fortnightly to look at ways of reducing our Carbon Footprint at TLA and looking after our local environment. They have a LOT of ideas and their first project was to encourage everyone to look after our school site. They arranged a litter pick and created posters to raise awareness.
- Overview
- Curriculum Vision
- Primary Phase
- Secondary Phase
- Secondary Specific
- Subjects Curriculum
- English Curriculum
- Maths Curriculum
- Science Curriculum
- MFL - Languages Curriculum
- History Curriculum
- Geography Curriculum
- Religious Education Curriculum
- Art Curriculum
- Music Curriculum
- Drama Curriculum
- Design Technology Curriculum
- ICT Curriculum
- PE - Sport & Health Curriculum
- Citizenship Curriculum
- PSHCE/Personal Development Curriculum
- Reading Across the Curriculum
- Assessment
- Personal Development (RSE/PHSE/SMSC)
- Year 9 Options Choices
- GCSE Exam Information
- Reading at TLA
- National Assessments and Exams
- Library