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Red Kite Learning Trust

Learning at TLA


Temple Learning Academy (24)As part of learning, assessments are completed to help teachers plan for the next steps in your child's learning and ensure that this is pitched correctly to be supportive yet challenging.

Assessment happens within every lesson and informs teaching and learning that day, week and across a topic. This is formative assessment and is crucial in moving your child on at pace so that their learning opportunity is developed. At three key points in the year a more formal, summative assessment is completed. As part of the Red Kite Learning Trust, we use the NTS Tests for each year group to help give a standardised assessment to each child. In Autumn, Spring and Summer, every child will complete appropriate assessments for their ability. From this, leaders, teachers and other adults, plan learning and support in order to support your child in making progress. Throughout the Primary phase there are a number of external assessments that are reported to the Department for Education and Leeds Local Authority. These are used as a benchmark to compare TLA to other, similar, schools across the city and country. 

Reception - National Reception Baseline

Year 1 - Phonics Screening Check

Year 2 - National SATS Tests in Reading and Maths and Phonics Screening Check

Year 4 - Multiplication Check

Year 6 - National SATS Tests in Reading and Maths

Temple Learning Academy - Pupils Reading - 2023

Temple Learning Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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