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Red Kite Learning Trust

For Students

Careers and Post 16 progression



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At Temple Learning Academy, we are committed to providing a high-quality careers programme to ensure our students are well informed and ready for their next steps, whether that is into further education or into the world of work. Temple Learning Academy works in partnership with Progress Careers who are an external company, which allows us to provide independent and impartial careers guidance service, as well as draw upon their industry contacts to offer a broad range of experiences throughout both primary and secondary phases. This ensures that each of our students has high aspirations for their next steps in education, training and employment, and goes beyond that outlined in the Gatsby benchmarks. Progress Careers work alongside colleagues at Temple Learning Academy to provide support both in lessons and the wider curriculum, including assemblies, educational visits, workshops and events such as careers fairs. They provide access to career advisers in a variety of ways including; individual 1:1 meeting, drop-in sessions, learning pathway planning and on results days. Progress Careers are also available to provide personalised CEIAG to students who are not attending school, such as those in alternative provision.


Summary of Provision



Personal Development lessons:

-          What jobs do people do?

-          What strengths, skills and interests do we have?

-          What jobs would we like?

-          Year 5 and Year 6 will have the opportunity to attend a careers fair with their teachers to meet with local apprenticeship providers, sixth forms and colleges and ask questions about their future


Early identification of possible NEET students – appropriate interventions put in place.

Year 7

Personal Development lessons :

-          How to be enterprising?

-          Career types

-          Equality of opportunity

-          Challenging stereotypes

-          Links between values and careers


Assemblies – Two assemblies during the academic year to focus on STEM, public sector and creative careers


Excellence week – Students will have the opportunity to attend a careers fair and meet with local apprenticeship providers, sixth forms and colleges


Students referred for career advice and guidance with school’s careers advisor as required.

Year 8

Personal Development lessons:

-          equality of opportunity in life and work

-          challenge stereotypes and discrimination in relation to work and pay

-          employment, self-employment and voluntary work

-          how to set aspirational goals for future careers and challenge expectations that limit choices


Assemblies – Two assemblies during the academic year to focus on STEM, public sector and creative careers


Excellence week – Students will have the opportunity to attend a careers fair and meet with local apprenticeship providers, sixth forms and colleges


Students referred for career advice and guidance with school’s careers advisor as required.


Students identified as being at risk of NEET to have an early careers meeting with the careers advisor (attendance/FTEs)

Year 9

Personal Development lessons:

-          transferable skills, abilities and interests

-          demonstrate strengths

-          different types of employment and career pathways

-          manage feelings relating to future employment

-          how to work towards aspirations and set meaningful, realistic goals for the future

-          GCSE and post-16 options

-          skills for decision making

-          young people’s employment rights and responsibilities

-          skills for enterprise and employability


Assemblies - Two assemblies during the academic year to focus on STEM, public sector and creative careers


Excellence week – Students will have the opportunity to attend a careers fair and meet with local apprenticeship providers, sixth forms and colleges


Students referred for career advice and guidance with school’s careers advisor as required.


Careers interviews to feed into EHCPs as required


Careers advisor present at options evening


Students identified as being at risk of NEET to have an early careers meeting with the career advisor (attendance/FTEs)


Highest risk of PP NEET students to have a career meeting

Year 10

Personal development lessons:

-          how to evaluate strengths and interests in relation to career development

-          about opportunities in learning and work

-          strategies for overcoming challenges or adversity

-          about responsibilities in the workplace

-          how to manage practical problems and health and safety

-          how to maintain a positive personal presence online

-          how to evaluate and build on the learning from work experience


Assemblies – Two assemblies during the academic year to focus on Post 16 options, Higher education, apprenticeships


Excellence week – Students will have the opportunity to attend a careers fair and meet with local apprenticeship providers, sixth forms and colleges. Students will participate in workshops including how to write a CV, cover letter and personal statement.


Apprenticeship Fair – students considering a Post 16 apprenticeship take part in school arranged visit.


University visits – identified universities will be dependent on cohort


Careers week – visits from post providers (LCC, LCB, Notre Dame, TMHS, LCC apprenticeships)

Lessons focus on how the subject links to a range of careers.


College taster days – Leeds City College and Leeds College of Building

All students to have a career meeting with the career advisor by the end of the academic year.


Careers advisor to be available at Parents’ Evening.





Year 11

Personal Development Lessons

-          how to use feedback constructively when planning for the future

-          how to set and achieve SMART targets

-          effective revision techniques and strategies

-          about options post-16 and career pathways

-          about application processes, including writing CVs, personal statements and interview technique

-          how to maximise employability, including managing online presence and taking opportunities to broaden experience

-          about rights, responsibilities and challenges in relation to working part time whilst studying

-          how to manage work/life balance

-          throughout guidance, students will be supported by their form tutor in making applications to post 16 providers


-          Two assemblies during the academic year focusing on post 16 options and specific career opportunities (STEM, public sector, creative).

Excellence week – Students will have the opportunity to attend a careers fair and meet with local apprenticeship providers, sixth forms and colleges. Students will participate in workshops including how to write a CV, cover letter and personal statement.


Careers week – Lessons focus on how the subject links to a range of careers.

All students, on and off-site, have a follow up careers meeting.


Additional meetings for students at risk of being NEET are arranged.


SEND/LAC/off-site students are prioritised at the start of the academic year as well as higher frequency of meetings.


All Year 11s to meet with a member of SLT to discuss careers plans – referrals made to careers advisor if necessary.


Careers advisor is present on GCSE results day to offer guidance.  



Useful Links 

  • Future Goals – this website uses Labour Market information, as well as employers and employees from local businesses to give an insight to employment opportunities within different sectors, including how your subject links with a range of careers.
  • A Level Explorer - See where your A level choices will take you. Direct students here to support them to consider how they can use your subject in future career options. 
  • Prospects - Careers information and guidance 
  • BBC Bitesize - Where could your favourite subject take you?
  • Yorkshire Apprenticeship Service - Support with apprenticeship recruitment and knowledge, featuring live apprenticeship vacancies for the Yorkshire Region.

Resources for students

Prospects - Careers information and guidance – use this to find out more about different careers and what qualifications you would need. 

Future Goals – this website uses Labour Market information, as well as employers and employees from local businesses to give an insight to employment opportunities within different sectors, including how the subjects you study link with future career options. 

Amazing Apprenticeships – Apprenticeships explained – what are you looking for? 

National Apprenticeship Service - search for apprenticeship vacancies or register for alerts and to apply. 

BBC Bitesize - where could your favourite subject take you? 

NCS - a chance to embark on exhilarating challenges, make your mark and build skills for work and life. 

National Careers Service - a range of flexible contact channels - phone, email, webchat and SMS - providing information, advice and guidance relating to decisions on learning, training and work. 

UCAS - online HE application system, information and guidance. 

Success at School - explore Careers, employers, jobs, courses and advice. 

Careermag - a magazine connecting students and their parents with helpful information about careers and qualifications, employability skills and CV writing. 

Courses Online - guides covering what a role entails, the required qualifications, potential earnings etc. 

Resources for career and labour market Information

Future Goals – this website uses Labour Market information, as well as employers and employees from local businesses to give an insight to employment opportunities within different sectors in the Leeds City Region 

iCould - Real stories to inspire your career 

Nomis - official Labour Market Statistics 

Office for National Statistics 

Prospects - Careers information and guidance 

Informed Choices - a Russell Group Guide to making decisions about post-16 education 

What is an Apprenticeship? 

Higher Apprenticeships - infographic 

Degree Apprenticeships - infographic 

Apprenticeships - infographic 

Which? University - search by university, by predicted grades and by category or use the A-level explorer tool. 

Higher Education access for disabled and disadvantaged students 

Information for employers

We are always looking to invite employers from different sectors to come in and work with our young people. If you are interested in hearing more about the opportunities that you could get involved in, please get in touch with our Careers Lead, Dr Burkinshaw at 

Provider Access Arrangements 


This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997. 

Pupil entitlement 

All students in years 7-11 are entitled to: 

  • find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point. 
  • hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events. 
  • understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses. 

Management of provider access requests 


A provider wishing to request access should contact the school via: 

Telephone: 01132645456, Email:  

Opportunities for access 

A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their families. Please speak to a member of the Careers team to identify the most suitable opportunity for you. 

Premises and facilities 

The school can make available suitable rooms, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with a member of the careers team. Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature at the Main Reception it will be displayed in the school library. 

The careers team refers to any appropriate member of staff who is in a position to support the careers guidance of students. It will include the Careers Leader, Head of Year and Careers Advisor. 

Temple Learning Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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