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Red Kite Learning Trust

For Students


At Temple Learning Academy we have high expectations in relation to behaviour as well as academic progress.

Young people attend school to develop both personally and academically and our clear standards enable students to do so within a positive school environment which values mutual respect.

To support students with meeting the expectations needed to be successful, we ensure that we have clear standards which are understood by all and focus on ensuring Temple Learning Academy is a productive learning environment.

The vast majority of our young people always meet our academy standards and display respectful and responsible behaviour. Young people do make mistakes and we focus on supporting students in learning from these mistakes so they can develop and make right choices in the future.

Library (1)

Our behaviour policy is designed to support students in meeting our standards by providing transparency, clarity and consistency in terms of our expectations. This includes reward and sanction systems. Students are provided with ongoing mentoring and guidance as good behaviour is not simply achieved through a punitive approach. Students learn that actions do have consequences but consequences are carried out alongside restorative strategies to support those students who require it, to develop and learn from mistakes.

From EYFS, which lays the essential foundations for Language, Communication, Physical Development and Personal, Social, and Emotional Development, we build relationships essential to ensuring high expectations of behaviours for learning. This is further developed throughout the Primary Phase into Secondary with approaches based in trauma informed practice and restorative conversations to resolve issues.

Temple Learning Academy (3)

At Temple Learning Academy we have a transparent and fair approach to behaviour with a focus on rewarding positive behaviours as well as having clear standards where sanctions are in place for when a student displays negative behaviours that do not meet with our expected standards.

We firmly believe in the importance of building strong relationships with our young people to support them in their personal development as well as their academic development. We provide a clear introduction of our systems when students join Temple Learning Academy as well as regular reminders throughout their time here to ensure the clarity and consistency is upheld.

NB: We reserve the right, under exceptional circumstances, to insist that a student accesses their educational provision in an alternative provision to Temple Learning Academy that better suits their specific circumstances and/or the needs of the rest of the school population.

Quick-look Guide to Class Charts - Primary Phase (002)

How do we approach behaviour at Temple Learning Academy?

Click here to view our information sheet on Restorative Practice

Temple Learning Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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