Exams Information
Year 11 Mock Exams
Our Year 11 mock exams will take place week commencing 6th January 2025. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the exam board regulations and policies.
Guidance for Students
All students taking external examinations are provided with a copy of our Exam Information Booklet and the JCQ Information for Candidates document prior to an exam series. You can view these by clicking on the links below:
Non-examination Assessments/Coursework for External Examinations
There are specific guidelines with regard to carrying out non-examination assessments (NEA), which apply to both staff and students. Please find below the policies which relate to our non-examination assessments, which includes details of how to appeal a mark awarded by the school.
Privacy Notice
For information about how we share your data, please read the policy below.
Examinations Policy
Please click on the links below for further information regarding our examinations process.
Malpractice Policy
Certificate Collection
Exam certificates from the summer series will be available for collection in December. We will contact you with details of the collection dates nearer the time. If you would like someone to collect the certificates on your behalf, we will require a written letter of authority signed by you to confirm who will be making the collection. The person collecting will be asked to confirm your address before we provide the certificates.
We are always looking for new people to join our team of invigilators for both internal and external examinations. As an invigilator you will assist in the supervision of examinations and ensure that the guidelines and regulations for the integrity and security of the examination papers and procedures are followed during an examination. The post is casual as and when required.
If you have a flexible approach to working, the ability to communicate with pupils and to work under pressure, on your own or as part of a team, then please contact us by phone or email. Please note that all successful applicants to the post will be required to provide a Disclosure and Barring Services check at an Enhanced Level and the appointment is subject to medical clearance. Full training for the post will be provided to all successful applicants.
Contacting the Examinations Office
If you have any queries relating to examinations, then please contact our Exams Officer:
Tel no. 0113 264 5456
Email: TLAExams@tla.rklt.co.uk
Information for candidates - NEA(pdf)
Created September 2023Permalink
Information for candidates - NEA
Privacy Notice - Pupils and Families(pdf)
Created February 2024Permalink
Privacy Notice - Pupils and Families