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Red Kite Learning Trust

For Parents/Carers

Home/Remote Learning


At Temple Learning Academy, we recognise the importance of learning beyond the school day as part of a young person’s development.

Home learning plays a critical role in the academic development of a young person. In fact, extensive research completed by the Education Endowment Fund (EEF) strongly indicates that students who participate in high quality, regular and well planned home learning can accelerated their progress by as much as 6 months in comparison to their peers.

However, at Temple Learning Academy we also recognise that students engage in important activities outside of school which also contribute to their personal develop and well-being. We want home learning to enhance, and not replace, the activities which students do outside of school therefore we have designed an approach to home learning which takes into account the important balance between work, rest and play.

Our approach to home learning is based upon the following key aims:

  • To provide students with structured opportunities to consolidate their school based learning, including mastering key content and revising fundamental knowledge
  • To develop independent study habits which will support them for the rest of their learning life
  • To enhance their personal organisation and self-discipline in terms of managing time and priorities.
  • To promote revision and retrieval practice which will lead to exam success in the future

Please click the tab below to jump to the Key Stage specific information for your child’s home learning:

Primary Phase

Secondary Phase


Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4


Year 1, 2

Year 3, 4, 5, 6

Year 7, 8, 9

Year 10, 11

How can I support my child in making the most of home learning?

First and foremost, by building home learning into your family’s daily routine. The following things can help:

  • Having a quiet space for them to work, away from distractions like siblings and TV.
  • Helping them to plan home learning into their other activities and home responsibilities such as chores or sports clubs
  • Reminding them to plan ahead, and keep an eye on their deadlines.
  • Making a habit of asking each day about any new home learning tasks or any tasks due tomorrow.
  • Making a regular habit of looking at your child’s student planner.
  • Helping them to plan around big events which might disrupt their routine.

Primary Phase

Home-learning Frequency and content

Reading with your child is essential. This could be sharing a picture book, listening to them read their schoolbook or your reading to them at bedtime. Please prioritise reading with your child above all other home learning. Creative topic challenges will be sent once or twice per half term.

Primary Phase


Year 1 and 2

Year 3 and 4

Year 5 and 6

Daily Reading

Creative Topic Challenge

Daily Reading

Weekly Spellings

Weekly Maths Challenge

Creative Topic Challenge

Daily Reading

Weekly Spellings

Weekly Maths Challenge

Creative Topic Challenge

Reading – change as needed

Weekly Comprehension

Weekly Spellings

Weekly Maths

Creative Topic Challenge


How will home learning be communicated to Parents?

All home learning will be sent in your child’s book bag or via our online communication systems. Reception use Tapestry to communicate your child’s learning, set challenges and keep you up to date with events in EYFS. All other year groups use Class Chart to set learning challenges, send home learning and keep you up-to-date with your child’s learning and events.


How will my child be supported with their home learning?

Home learning will never introduce a new concept or new learning. The learning that we will send home will be practice to help develop fluency following teaching in school. This means that your child will already have come across the learning and will be able to complete their challenge independently. Of course, we would love for you as parents/carers to talk to your child about their learning and explore some of the creative challenges together. We also have access to online learning platforms so that your child can learn through games and in online challenges.

What will happen if my child does not complete home learning?

We would always encourage your child to take part in home learning as it helps them to share their knowledge and skills with you. By sharing they create stronger memories for the key learning and will be able to use this more effectively in future learning, therefore being more confident in all areas of the curriculum.

If home learning is not completed, we will aim to support your child in school. In Key Stage 1, additional reading will be done to ensure that they have time 1:1 with an adult. This is often followed up in afternoon sessions and your child would come out to read with a familiar adult in school to ensure that they done fall behind. In Key Stage 2, we expect children to begin to take responsibility for their home learning. By the time your child is in Y5/6, they can join the after-school club for home learning support and will be required to give up their free time to complete any learning set that is not completed. As we are a through-school, we set high standards in Key Stage 2 so that the transition into Secondary Phase is as smooth as possible.

Secondary Phase

Home learning frequency and content:

Key Stage 3 / Year 7-9






20 minutes of supported / independent reading

20 minutes of independent

Timetables Rockstars.

20 minutes of supported / independent reading

20 minutes of independent

Timetables Rockstars.

20 minutes of supported / independent reading

20 – 40 minutes of home learning set by subject specialists as show below


Subjects will set their home learning in the following pattern:

20 mins Weekly

20 mins Fortnightly

1 hr Half Termly

·         English

·         Maths

·         Science

·         Spanish

·         History

·         Geography

·         RS

·         Technology


·         Drama

·         Music

·         Art

·         PE

·         ICT


In Key Stage 3, home learning will focus on revising and consolidating key knowledge from the subject lessons. This may include students learning key terminology, facts and statistics, key processes or diagrams or learning quotations off by heart.


Key Stage 4 / Year 10 and 11






20 minutes of independent GCSE revision on GCSE Pods

20 minutes of independent GCSE revision on GCSE Pods

20 minutes of independent GCSE revision on GCSE Pods

20 minutes of independent GCSE revision on GCSE Pods

20 minutes of independent GCSE revision on GCSE Pods

40 – 60 minutes of home learning set by subject specialists as show below


Subjects will set their home learning in the following pattern:

30-40 minutes weekly:  English Language, English Literature, Maths, Science (double award), Geography or History

1 hr fortnight for each of the KS4 options your child has selected.

In Key Stage 4, home learning will focus on revising and consolidating key knowledge from the subject lessons in preparation for exams. This may include students learning key terminology, facts and statistics, key processes or diagrams or learning quotations off by heart.

Your child will also be set a range of exam style questions to aid them in mastering the exam technique which will make them successful at the end of Year 11.

Throughout their time in Year 10 and Year 11, students should be revising and revisiting prior content. This will greatly aid them in tests and assessments, as well as “Pre Public Exams” (mocks) which make up a key part of their exam preparations.

Will my child need specialist equipment for homework?

Students will only require the usual equipment they have for school and an internet enabled device. If you do not have internet access or internet enabled devices at home, we can help you. Please contact with “IT Support” as the subject line.

It would be useful for your child to have access to notebooks or flashcards to help with their revision. These are available for them to purchase in the student shop if needed. This is open in school each day.

How will home learning be communicated to students and families?

Students will be informed of home learning within their subject lessons. It is their responsibility to record this within their student planner. Subject teachers will also share information on Class Charts.

Student and Parent class charts log ins are available upon request. Please email with “Class Charts Log in” as the subject and this will be emailed out to you.

How will my child be supported with their home learning?

At the start of every academic year, and at regular intervals through the year, staff deliver “learning to learn” lessons to students which help them develop independent study skills.

Students can request additional help with learning to learn, or revising at home, at any time via their Form Tutor. In Year 11, all students are assigned an “Academic Mentor” who is also able to support them with managing the demands of GCSE revision.

Students are also able to access supervised study support in Student Central after school each day until 4pm. During this time they are expected to work quietly, allowing everyone to make use of the learning space.

What will happen if my child does not complete home learning?

If your child does not complete home learning, they will fall behind their peer group and risk underachieving in assessments.

If your child does not complete home learning tasks, their teacher may grant a short extension and make other arrangements if the circumstances are beyond the student’s control. If your child does not meet this extension, or does not have a reasonable excuse for the home learning not being completed, then a Home Learning Negative will be recorded on Class Charts.

If your child receives 5 home learning negatives within 4 weeks, we will make contact with you to discuss the issue and put strategies in place to support them better.

If issues with home learning continue after this contact, we will make arrangements for your child to receive support with home learning. This may include compulsory attendance at supported study sessions.

Remote Learning Policy

Useful guides

How to access your emails guide

How to access class charts guide

Microsoft TEAMS Student-Parent Guide

Temple Learning Academy TEAMS Protocol

Temple Learning Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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