Student Leadership/Voice
TLA student parliament has been running since September 2021. Pupils were voted on by their peers based on their vision and values. Representatives from Years 2-11 attend regular meetings (1 per half term). Pupils work from a clear agenda and their roles and responsibilities are clear. The student parliament gain feedback from SLT on the various subjects on the agenda to allow pupil voice to be shared and valued. The Sports leader role is currently been developed by the PE Programme Leader and will offer support and guidance at breaks and lunches to Primary Pupils to enhance what is already in place. Regular student voice is taken on a variety of issues, this year they have included: Playground resources and activities, playground rules and internet safety. Primary phase will vote in their first head girl and head boy and their deputies in Years 5 and 6 this year which will further strengthen pupil voice.
At Temple Learning Academy, we are proud to give students a leadership role within our school. As well as helping students to build their team work, communication and confidence now, leadership skills equip them for exciting opportunities in the future. Leadership is not just for students who are confident being in front of large groups, or for big characters who like to lead a team. Student Leadership is also for those students who notice the important details, for those who notice when another student needs a friend or a member of staff needs a helping hand. Our Student Leaders will embody our values of Courage, Opportunity, Respect and Excellence. All students are given opportunities to lead within their learning through group work, team sports and problem solving activities. We also operate a Student Parliament where an elected “MP” from each class meet regularly to discuss the changes which students want to see in the school.
Launching in March 2022, we will also be offering a Student Leadership programme to students who qualify to be members of the Student Leadership Team. The selection process for Student LT includes students meeting criteria for attendance, punctuality, positive points and attitude to learning. Students also have to submit a one page letter of application with references from staff who support their application. This gives all students the opportunity to experience a job application style process and gain confidence for their later life in the world of work.
From those students who qualify for the Student Leadership Team we will then be voting on Student Senior Leaders. This will include 2 Deputy Head Students in Year 5 and in Year 10, and 2 Head Students in Year 6 and Year 11. These 8 students will form our Student Senior Leadership Team who will represent the school at important events and have a key leadership role in the school.