- Our School
- Welcome from the Principal
- Our Vision and Values
- Admissions
- Governance
- Our Staff
- Our Policies
- Performance and Results
- Ofsted
- Safeguarding
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Equality and Diversity
- British Values
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Our Facilities
- About Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training
- Children's Centre
- Cluster Team
- Job Vacancies
Welcome from the Principal
I am delighted to welcome you to Temple Learning Academy.
I understand that the decision about where to entrust the care of your child is one of the most important decisions a parent or carer will ever make. At Temple Learning Academy, we take this responsibility very seriously.
We are a school situated in the heart of the community we serve. That sense of community pervades everything we stand for and everything we do and it is an absolute privilege for me to lead this school.
We are one of only a few ‘all-through’ schools in Leeds. Being an all-through school means our students benefit from a seamless transition between year groups and phases; shared expertise and resources, and a curriculum that is sequenced from Early Years to Year 11. We pride ourselves on having an incredibly strong and supportive pastoral system, based on collaboration and effective communication, through which we build lasting relationships with families, many of whom have children with us from Reception through to Year 11.
Temple Learning Academy offers a fantastic opportunity for children and young people to learn and develop and we are totally committed to providing the best possible foundations for adult life. As Principal, I am privileged to work with a team of exceptional practitioners who are determined to ensure that our students, your children, realise their potential and pursue the career path of their choice.
We understand that every child has a unique set of qualities. Our core values of Courage, Opportunity, Respect and Excellence underpin our drive to maximise the development of those qualities in every child whilst nurturing ambition and providing challenge, meaningful experiences and every opportunity to ensure all children reach their potential.
Temple Learning Academy is a member of Red Kite Learning Trust which is also comprised of four Secondary schools and nine Primary schools. Being part of such a large network of schools provides easy access to resources and expertise to ensure children at Temple Learning Academy benefit from the very best practices. We utilise our partnerships to help drive up standards through the development and training of school leaders; professional learning opportunities for staff and school improvement – all to the benefit of our student’s opportunities and outcomes.
I have had the enormous privilege of leading Temple Learning Academy since April 2021 after spending the majority of my teaching career in east Leeds; I know the area well. I am totally committed and incredibly proud to lead this school and to serve our community and our children.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I very much hope that you will join us and enjoy everything that Temple Learning Academy has to offer.
Mr S Huddleston – Principal
- Our School
- Welcome from the Principal
- Our Vision and Values
- Admissions
- Governance
- Our Staff
- Our Policies
- Performance and Results
- Ofsted
- Safeguarding
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Equality and Diversity
- British Values
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Our Facilities
- About Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training
- Children's Centre
- Cluster Team
- Job Vacancies