Mr S Huddleston
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Our School
This will help us achieve our overriding aim which is to deliver the very best quality of education to all of the children in our care.
Deputy Principal (Primary)
Deputy Principal (Secondary)
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
Associate Assistant Principal
Associate Assistant Principal
Associate Assistant Principal
EYFS Leader
Staff Development Coach
Business Operations Manager
Primary SENDCO: Mrs Jennifer Malcolm
Secondary SENDCO: Miss Lisa Morrell (Acting)
SEND Manager: Miss Zaira Sadiq
Mrs L Goode & Miss A Lee
Programme Leaders for English
Mr J Speight & Miss Ali
Programme Leaders for Maths
Mr A Crawford & Mr E Johnson
Programme Leader for Science
Miss N Afford & Miss L Horsley
Programme Leader for Geography
Mr S Jassam & Mr J Ward
Programme Leader for History
Mrs N Thirlwall & Mr E Johnson
Programme Leader for Modern Foreign Languages
Mrs H DeCarvalho & Mr S Barnes
Programme Leader for PE
Miss L Millington
Programme Leader for Performance
Mr T Drew & Miss E Waddington
Programme Leader for Art
Mr L Nolan & Miss E Waddington
Programme Leader for Technology
Mrs C Waddington
Programme Leader for Early Years
Miss E Leach
Programme Leader for IT (Primary)
Miss L Moran
Programme Leader for RE (Primary)
Miss B Rimmer
Programme Leader for Early Reading
Miss B Rimmer
Programme Leader for Music (Primary)
Mr D Prickett & Miss L Durn
Programme Leader for Personal Development
Miss L Morrell
Programme Leader for The Learning Curve
Years 1 & 2 - Miss L Moran
Years 3 & 4 - Miss S Ali
Years 5 & 6 - Mr J Ward
Pastoral Manager - Miss L Slade
EYFS – Mrs K Scholfield
Years 1 & 2- Mrs J Smith
Years 3 & 4 – Miss E Howard
Years 5 & 6- Miss E Henry
Year 7 – Miss C Sleight
Year 8 – Miss L Slade
Year 9 – Miss C Sanderson
Year 10 – Mr D Nurse
Year 11 – Miss K King
Alternative Provision – Mrs E Cowan
Reading Dog
"I am 9 years old and love to go on walks. I also love to sit quietly and listen to a book being read to me whilst having my tummy tickled. I don't like loud noises and people shouting"