- Overview
- Curriculum Vision
- Primary Phase
- Secondary Phase
- Secondary Specific
- Subjects Curriculum
- English Curriculum
- Maths Curriculum
- Science Curriculum
- MFL - Languages Curriculum
- History Curriculum
- Geography Curriculum
- Religious Education Curriculum
- Art Curriculum
- Music Curriculum
- Drama Curriculum
- Design Technology Curriculum
- ICT Curriculum
- PE - Sport & Health Curriculum
- Citizenship Curriculum
- PSHCE/Personal Development Curriculum
- Reading Across the Curriculum
- Assessment
- Personal Development (RSE/PHSE/SMSC)
- Year 9 Options Choices
- GCSE Exam Information
- Reading at TLA
- National Assessments and Exams
- Library
Our Teaching Model
Teaching & Learning at TLA: Principles of Practice
Highly Effective Teaching is:
- grounded in strong relationships with all students
- manifests high expectations of all students
- adapted to empower and engage all students
- responsive to the progress journey of all students
Expectations of staff:
- Lesson by lesson planning should follow the sequence of delivery as outlined in the Curriculum Map.
- No prescriptive lesson format or sequence.
- Staff may continue to utilise the Lesson Essentials if they choose.
- Lesson Intentions should be shared using the “Today I am … So that I can …” stems
- In Secondary, Independent Practice should be in silent conditions.
- Overview
- Curriculum Vision
- Primary Phase
- Secondary Phase
- Secondary Specific
- Subjects Curriculum
- English Curriculum
- Maths Curriculum
- Science Curriculum
- MFL - Languages Curriculum
- History Curriculum
- Geography Curriculum
- Religious Education Curriculum
- Art Curriculum
- Music Curriculum
- Drama Curriculum
- Design Technology Curriculum
- ICT Curriculum
- PE - Sport & Health Curriculum
- Citizenship Curriculum
- PSHCE/Personal Development Curriculum
- Reading Across the Curriculum
- Assessment
- Personal Development (RSE/PHSE/SMSC)
- Year 9 Options Choices
- GCSE Exam Information
- Reading at TLA
- National Assessments and Exams
- Library