Y7: The Y7 curriculum is built around the question “how do I tell a story on the stage?”. This covers Political Theatre, Social Drama, Greek Myths, Shakespeare Comedies, Gothic Theatre and Contrasting Characters. The assessment for the course will begin developing knowledge and skills in creating, performing and reviewing. In every lesson students will create and perform work to their peers, evaluating the strengths and next steps of both their own work the work of others.
Y8: The Y8 curriculum explores how we want to make our audience think and feel. We review this through both acting and design pathways. The course journeys through creating mood and atmosphere, social and political theatre, theatre practitioners and verbatim theatre. All this is delivered whilst carefully considering the impact we can make on an audience through choices in dramatic style and form. As with Y7, in every lesson students will create and perform work to their peers, evaluating the strengths and next steps of both their own work the work of others.
Y9: The KS3 curriculum concludes with exploring how we create theatre that communicates a message. This course focuses on students personalising the theatre they create so that their thoughts and opinions are shared with their target audience. The topics include naturalism vs non-naturalism, physical theatre, comedy, theatre practitioners, devising and social drama. Students regularly perform and evaluate their work, supporting the curriculum focus on creating impact on our audience.