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Red Kite Learning Trust

Learning at TLA

Design Technology Curriculum

Our Subject Vision

Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous, and practical subject that is taught by specialist staff with a passion for their subject.

Our aim is to inspire pupils to design and make purposeful products that solve real and relevant problems in our forever changing world. During their time at Temple Learning Academy students will have access to specialist facilities from an early age and throughout their time at the academy. Our curriculum will provide opportunities for students to work individually as well as part of a team.

We strive for our students to have a passion for Design and Technology and we guide them to think creatively. We encourage students to be innovators, leaders and design for the needs and wants of others.

We want our students to have life skills which will help them thrive, be resourceful, choose a healthy lifestyle and make do and mend.

We encourage our students to be risk takers, understanding that making a mistake is fine and that resilience is key. We push our students to be problem solvers in Design and Technology and to think like a designer. We prepare our students for an increasingly technological world by creating equal opportunities and life chances for all our students at Temple Learning Academy. Students learn how Design and Technology impacts their everyday life and how they can prepare themselves for jobs within the creative industries.

What enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities do we offer in Design and Technology?

Students can access catch up classes with their subject teachers and departmental technician twice a week.

Where could this subject ultimately take you?

Progression routes and career opportunities: BTEC Art and Design

This course prepares students to progress onto the A-level Textile Design, Fine Art, Graphic Communications courses.

Courses in Textiles are available at degree level and possible careers include: Fashion; Interior Design; Graphic Design; Set design.

Job Opportunities:

  • Fashion designer
  • Set designer
  • Retail buyer
  • Pattern cutter
  • Visual merchandiser

Progression routes and career opportunities: Hospitality and Catering

Employment in hospitality and catering can range from waiting staff, receptionists and catering assistants to chefs, hotel and bar managers and food technologists in food manufacturing. All of these roles require further education and training either through apprenticeships or further and higher education.

According to the British Hospitality Association, Hospitality and catering is Britain’s fourth largest industry and accounts for 10% of the total workload, making you more employable.

Job Opportunities:

  • Accommodations Manager
  • Catering Manager
  • Chef
  • Conference Centre Manger
  • Fast food restaurant Manager
  • Hotel Manager
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Air cabin Crew

And even if you don't want a job in Hospitality and Catering it will enable you to be an amazing, confident cook!

What will students’ study in Design and Technology?

Key Stage 3

Year 7


Students will be taught and understand the basics of weighing and measuring correctly. They will explore healthy diets, hygiene and safety. Students will make a range of dishes that showcase the skills that they have learnt. These dishes include sherbet lollies, overnight oats, jelly fruit, deli salads, presentation skills and much more. Students will work independently or in groups and show their ability to follow a recipe and problem solve.


Students will understand the importance of Textiles within our world. They will be taught how to use specialist equipment safely and confidently. They will be taught and develop practical skills such as hand embroidery, using a sewing machine, attaching a button / fastening and much more.

They will complete a design and make bunting based on Leeds Art Gallery, using different art movements. Students will create a mood board, design ideas and analyse a designer during their project.

Year 8


Students will build on their knowledge from Year 7, describing and applying The Eatwell Guide and tips for healthy eating. They will investigate food labelling and sugar content in their favourite drinks. Students will continue to build upon prior knowledge and use appropriate ingredients and equipment to prepare and cook a range of dishes. These dishes include healthy coleslaw, mini carrot cakes, cookies in a cone and smoothies.


Students will design and make a cushion based around the theme Tropical World. They will understand the design movement and reflect this in their work. Students will experiment with a range of decorative techniques including hand applique, heat transfers, fabric pens/ crayons, image manipulation, machine applique and hand embroidery.

Students will look at Biomimicry and use nature to inspire their drawing skills. They will look at formal elements and drawing skills.

Year 9


Students will continue to build their confidence and subject knowledge within Food. They will research dietary needs in young people and how these needs can change throughout life. This information will be used to adapt recipes for nutritional needs. Students will investigate food poisoning, the symptoms and and how it can be prevented. In Year 9 students will use a variety of ingredients and equipment to prepare and cook a range of more complex dishes, these include brownie jars, risotto, pasta Fiorentina and much more.


In Year 9 students will begin by investigating architecture in Leeds. They will understand the key features and coloured which they present. They will design their own tote bag, inspired by architecture in Leeds

Students will explore a range of decorative techniques. These include: shaving foam marbling, stencilling, reverse applique, and polyfusion. Students will select from and use specialist tools, techniques, processes, equipment and machinery precisely and safely.

At the end of KS3, students can choose whether to continue to study Food or Textiles into KS4 and gain a qualification. For those that do not continue to study Design and Technology we hope they continue with their education with a lifelong love of Food and Textiles, understanding of how to sew and use a sewing machine safely and an appreciation of Food and making healthy lifestyle choices. We also hope that the will have developed skills such as cooking healthy meals, problem solving, risk taking and team work which will support them after they have left Temple Learning Academy. 

Key Stage 4

Year 10 (BTEC Art and Design Textiles)

Overview of the course:

The course explores a range of techniques, processes and materials with particular focus on colour, pattern and surface decoration. You will have the opportunity to work with a range of art and textile media and techniques, including drawing, painting, collage, and machine and hand stitching. You will also make connections to the work of textile artists and fashion designers.

What will you learn?

You will learn how to solve a design brief. An example of this might be “Design a creative product inspired by Pop Art to be displayed in an exciting shop window display”. You will research existing designs, seek inspiration and think about who your target audience is and how you will design work to appeal to them.

How will you be assessed?

The course is divided into four units, all of which are completed through coursework. The final exam takes place in Year 11, over two days (10 hours) of supervised work. Students are graded from Level 1 Pass to Level 2 Distinction*.

Skills that you will develop:

  • Researching from source material
  • Design and drawing skills
  • Practical techniques using different fabrics
  • Analysis skills
  • CAD/CAM skills

Year 10 (WJEC Level 1/2 Award in Hospitality and Catering)

Overview of the course:

This new and exciting qualification enables learners to gain knowledge, understanding and skills relating to a specific vocational sector. In addition to development sector specific knowledge and understanding, these qualifications also support learners to develop the essential employability skills that are valued by employers, further and higher education The WJEC Level 1/2 Award in Hospitality and Catering has been designed to support learners who want to learn about this vocational sector and the potential it can offer them for their careers or further study.

What will you learn?

Studying Hospitality & Catering will give you the training needed to be involved in the running of a fast-paced and exciting industry, including all sector such as food and beverages, and/or accommodation services, this includes restaurants, hotels, pubs and bars, also including airlines and tourist attractions, hospitals and sports venues. One of the reasons to study Hospitality & Catering is because it offers great job and career opportunities for anyone who wants to get involved in the world of Hospitality, Catering & tourism. Pupils who are active and have leadership skills make excellent Hotel Managers because they are very organized, creative and innate leaders for example.

How will you be assessed?

40% Exam: The exam is 90 minutes and will be done either on paper or computer.

60% coursework or NEA (non-examined assessment):

Unit 1: The Hospitality and Catering Industry (Exam)

Unit 2 Hospitality and Catering in Action

Skills that you will develop:

  • Technical and presentation skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Multi-tasking
  • Time keeping
  • Leadership
  • Problem solving

Year 11

The current Year 11 subjects are no longer being taught at Year 10. 

Temple Learning Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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