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Red Kite Learning Trust

Learning at TLA

PE - Sport & Health Curriculum

Our Subject Vision

Our aim is to develop a sustained lifelong love of sport and fitness for our students. Physical Education and Sport at Temple Learning Academy is underpinned by the values of FIT: 

  • FIT to Perform.
  • FIT to Lead.
  • FIT for Life.

This supports our students to develop the vital life skills of physical literacy, resilience, confidence, leadership, and problem solving, whilst ensuring students enjoy sport and physical activity and want to pursue this beyond their years at Temple Learning Academy. Students will develop an understanding of the benefits behind partaking in sport on their physical, social, and emotional attributes which will enable them to overcome barriers, challenges, and goals as citizens in later life. 

Which qualifications do we offer at KS4?


This GCSE PE course equips students with the knowledge, understanding and know how to develop their own performance in sport. They develop their understanding of socio-cultural influences on participation in sport, and the benefits of physical activity to health, fitness, and well-being.

In Year 10 students explore how health and wellbeing impact the body and its systems, and how to create a training programme for a specific sports performer. In Year 11, students extend this to look at how the body works in relation to sports performance and how socio-cultural influences have an impact on our world of sport and exercise. It also gives students the opportunity to develop and apply competencies and techniques in a range of sports. Student will partake in practical assessment across three sports which contributes 30% toward the final grade.

OCR Qualification

Where could this subject ultimately take you?

For those students who are passionate about sport there are many career opportunities for you to consider that allow you to pursue your passion beyond the game or activity. These may include Physiotherapist, Coaching, Sports agent, personal trainer, sports event planner, public relations officer and many more.

However, Sport gives you the opportunity to travel, make lifelong friendships, the confidence to try new things and succeed with new challenges. All members of our TLA PE department have many exciting memories and have been given once in a lifetime opportunity directly because of their sporting background. Ask them to find out where their Physical Education has taken them?

Temple Learning Academy (94)

What enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities do we offer in Physical Education?

Extra-curricular Opportunities

Extracurricular sport is a fantastic opportunity to teach students to go beyond their comfort zone and to explore hidden talents they did not know they possessed. At key Stage 3 we offer a wide range of after school clubs as well numerous opportunities to represent the school in our weekly sports fixtures or tournaments. Students are regularly encouraged to find their love of sport through a variety of different sports that are additional to the Physical Education programme of study.

Sports Leadership

 Students are also encouraged to become accredited Sports Leaders or playground leaders and take ownership of running sports activities for their peers. Students are encouraged to use their qualifications to lead activities during lunch and break times as well competitive events such as: sports day, West Yorkshire Games competitions, Skipping school competition, football tournaments and many more.

What will students' study in Physical Education?

Across all Key Stages of the Physical Education curriculum, student access a broad and wide variety of sports and activities. All students across each age group are appropriately challenged to develop themselves as a well-rounded individual. All pupils are not only challenged to achieve the fundamental competencies and skills to compete in team and individual sports, but they are also provided and opportunities to develop their leadership, teamwork, problem solving and resilience within sporting context.

Key Stage 3

Throughout the KS3 curriculum, we encourage all students to participate in a broad range of sporting opportunities to widen their sporting experience. Students will gain physical competencies and develop the knowledge of how to perform the basic and advanced skills and implement tactics needed to be successful in each sport covered. Athletics, Basketball, Badminton, rounders, Fitness, Football, Handball, Netball, Rounders, Rugby League, Softball, Table Tennis and Trampoline.  Their leadership skills will be underpinned throughout these sports encouraging student to become team players who are self-driven in their learning environment and take ownership of their own progress. Student will build upon their understanding of healthy active lifestyles and begin to understand the importance of exercise for their health and wellbeing,

Year 7

Throughout the year 7 curriculum student will partake in 2 hours of physical activity per week. We encourage all students to participate in a broad range of sporting opportunities to widen their sporting experience. Student will participate in: Athletics, Badminton, Strike and field, Fitness, Football, Netball, Rounders, Rugby League, Table Tennis, Cricket and Trampoline throughout the academic year. Their leadership skills will be explored and developed throughout these sports encouraging student to become team players who are self-driven in their learning environment and take ownership of their learning. Student will build upon their understanding of healthy active lifestyles and begin to understand the importance of exercise for their health and wellbeing,

Year 8

Sporting challenges continue into year 8 when students continue to widen their experience of different sporting opportunities as well as build upon the competencies, they have already acquired in year 7. Students will gain physical competencies and develop the knowledge of how to perform the basic and advanced skills and tactics needed to be successful in each sport or activity covered: Athletics, Basketball, Badminton, rounders, Fitness, Football, Handball, Netball, League, Softball, Table Tennis and Trampoline. Student will continue to develop their leadership opportunities by leading others through coaching, and officiating roles throughout the academic year. Student will continue to learn about how sport is vital to their own health and wellbeing.

Year 9

In year 9 students continue to prove they are effective sports role models and develop skills to apply themselves to the wide range of sports on offer at TLA showing resilience and overcoming setbacks. Throughout year 9 students will cover:  Rugby, football, handball, trampoline, Dance, Fitness, Volleyball, Boxercise, fitness, softball, alternative sports, and athletics. Student will be encouraged to become imaginative when performing more advanced skills in competition or creating dynamic routines. Student will develop the necessary skills to employ advanced decision-making skills within team and individual sports. Students will continue to undertake leadership and officiating roles showing a good knowledge and application of appropriate rules/laws and effective communication skills. Each Sport delivered challenges student to meet the exercise demands for each activity, combining strength, stamina, suppleness, and speed to excellent effect. In turn students learn how to analyses and evaluate the effectiveness of their own and other performances and implements appropriate improvements

At the end of KS3, students can choose whether to continue to study Physical Education into KS4 and gain a qualification. For those that do not continue to study PE (Physical Education) we hope they continue with their education with a lifelong love of exercise, understanding the importance of their health and wellbeing and appreciation of Physical activity. We also hope that they will have developed skills such as leadership, resilience, problem solving, organisation and confidence which they will use and apply in their adult life.

Key Stage 4

All students will still access 2 hours of physical activity per week during their Key Stage 4 education.

All Core PE top sets will cover key sports that will be taught during GCSE PE lessons to cement their knowledge and provide further opportunity to develop skills and understanding. Other Core PE groups have more flexibility; the focus being engagement, high activity levels and promoting the importance of exercise throughout the rest of their lives. ‘Quality time’ will also be a feature of all lessons.

Also, Students at Key stage 4 will be encouraged to become accredited Sports Leaders or playground leaders and take ownership of running sports activities for their peers. Student will use core PE lessons as an opportunity to use sport and physical activity to help young people develop and hone their leadership skills whilst helping themselves and others stay physically active.

Temple Learning Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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