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Red Kite Learning Trust

Learning at TLA

PSHCE/Personal Development Curriculum

Temple Learning Academy - Teacher with pupils - 2023 (3)At Temple Learning Academy our PSHE curriculum has been carefully mapped from Reception to Year 11 based on 3 strands (Health, Society and Work).

Each year group builds on the previous and covers any statutory content within these areas. Pupils acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to enable them to make informed decisions about all aspects of their lives, as they develop from children into young adults.

Pupils develop the academy character traits of courage, respect and opportunity through a well sequenced curriculum that is inclusive of all. The curriculum is ambitious and builds on the skills and knowledge pupils have learned as well as encouraging new experiences to embed these skills.

Our PSHCE curriculum is taught discretely as well as being embedded throughout our curriculum to give depth to the children’s understanding and allow them to experience PSHCE in a range of contexts, including real life contexts.

Pupils explore their emotional health and well-being, develop financial awareness, learn about British values and citizenship, bullying (including cyber bullying), and drug, tobacco and alcohol education.

Our PSHE curriculum aims to: 

  • Promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; 
  • Allow pupils to identify their own personal qualities, explore attitudes and have an appreciation of what influences these; 
  • Explore and examine their own values and beliefs and develop the skills, language and strategies needed to manage any issues they may encounter now and in later life; 
  • Develop critical thinking and resilience;
  • Equip all pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe and be able to communicate when they do not feel safe; 
  • Provide expert, independent and up-to-date careers advice that gives our pupils the best information and opportunities available and helps them progress into further education, training and employment. 

Temple Learning Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH