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Red Kite Learning Trust

Learning at TLA

Citizenship Curriculum

Our Subject Vision

The vision we have for students studying Citizenship is for them to become a responsible and involved citizens, who understand how you can play an effective part and try to make a difference in modern British society. We aim to guide students on a path which allows them to develop their own understanding, opinions and thoughts about modern British Society and to be able to articulate this verbally and in written forms. The course provides ample opportunities to develop students’ skills, especially when constructing arguments and to be able to debate in a logical and meaningful way. We want our students to use Citizenship to develop their passion for society, understand the potential injustices which it poses and how they can grow to become better people within society.

Which qualifications do we offer at KS4?

At GCSE we offer the AQA GCSE (9-1) Citizenship Studies, the link below can provide further information;

AQA | Citizenship Studies | GCSE | Citizenship Studies

Where could this subject ultimately take you?

Citizenship is a highly respected discipline, with many employers and higher educational providers looking for the skills it develops. Many students who have studied the subject go on to work in Public Service, Journalism, Politics, The Law, Tourism, and Medicine.

What enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities do we offer in Citizenship?

The enrichment opportunities we provide come through our Personal Development programme where we discuss key issues surrounding Citizenship. Students all experience this in form time where we often discuss and have sessions in regards to Citizenship issues, such as democracy, rule of law and liberty. These opportunities allow the students to broaden their understanding of Citizenship away from their GCSE course and can start to apply their knowledge to more sophisticated and pressing topics.

What will students study in Citizenship?

Citizenship is only offered at KS4, Students sit a formal exam at the of year 11. Prior to KS4 the students have personal development lessons which incorporates aspects of Citizenship.

Key Stage 4

Year 10

In year 10 the students cover two main themes which are; Life in Modern Britain and Rights and Responsibilities. Life in Modern Britain, students cover the principles and values of British society, Identity, the Media and Free Press and UK’s role in key international organisations. This theme covers all aspect of what it takes to become an active, informed and participating citizen within society with a focus on what it means to be “British”. The students’ attention then turns towards the rights and responsibilities people have within Britain and how the criminal and justice system works. The students will start to understand the processes of a legal case, human rights and how citizens can play a part in bringing about change in the legal system.

Year 11

In year 11 the students cover two more themes which are Politics and Participation and Taking Citizenship Action. Politics and Participation focuses on where political power resides in the UK and how it is controlled. With a heavy focus on the democracy and rights British people have and how people are held accountable for their actions and to make’s sure the government and other institutions are held accountable. This will aid the students understanding of our society and how institutions play a part in the governance of our country. While, this will lead to students understanding how ordinary citizens can participate in the governance of our country, with the aim of debating where the power really resides? Is it with the Citizen, Parliament or government? Through this theme the students can debate and unpick what makes our country great which Is democracy, liberty and rule of law. The final theme the students cover is Taking Citizenship Action which is an investigation to address a citizenship issue or question of concern and aimed at delivering a benefit or change for a particular community or wider society. This aims to give the students the opportunity to apply what they have learnt throughout the course and allow the students to experience ‘real life’ citizenship.

Temple Learning Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH