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Red Kite Learning Trust

Learning at TLA


Temple Learning Academy (17)

Our approach to RSE consists of a comprehensive and developmental programme of teaching and learning, which is delivered in the context of a Healthy School where the health and wellbeing of students and of the whole school community are actively promoted.

Our RSE programme has a positive influence on the ethos, learning and relationships throughout the school. It is central to our values and to achieving our school’s stated aims and objectives. Our RSE programme helps students to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes they need to live confident, healthy, independent lives as responsible and informed citizens, both now and in the future.

Through the provision, the school’s overall aims of RSE are to teach and develop the following three main elements:

Attitudes and Values:

  • learn the importance of values, individual conscience, and moral considerations.
  • learn the value of family life, marriage, and stable, loving relationships for the nurturing of children.
  • learn the value of respect, love, and care.
  • explore, consider, and understand moral dilemmas.
  • develop critical thinking as part of decision-making.

Personal and Social Skills:

  • learn to manage emotions and relationships confidently and sensitively.
  • develop self-respect and empathy for others.
  • learn to make choices based on an understanding of difference and with an absence of prejudice.
  • develop an appreciation of the consequences of choices made.
  • manage conflict.
  • learn how to recognise and avoid exploitation and abuse.

Temple Learning Academy (43)

Knowledge and Understanding:

  • learn and understand physical development at appropriate stages.
  • understand human sexuality, reproduction, sexual health, emotions, and relationships.
  • learn about contraception and the range of local and national sexual health advice, contraception, and support services.
  • learn the reasons for delaying sexual activity, and the benefits to be gained from such delay, including the avoidance of unplanned pregnancy.

In addition to this, we also aim to:

  • raise students’ self-esteem and confidence.
  • develop communication and assertiveness skills that can help them stay true to their values if challenged by others, their peers or what they see in the media.
  • teach students to be accepting of the different beliefs, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, physical and mental abilities, backgrounds, and values of those around them.
  • support students to lead a healthy and safe lifestyle, teaching them to care for, and respect, their bodies.
  • provide students with the right tools to enable them to seek information or support, should they need it.
  • teach students about consent and their right to say no, in an age-appropriate manner.
  • to teach lessons that are sensitive to a range of views, values, and beliefs.

We ensure that staff teaching RSE remain neutral in their delivery whilst ensuring that students always have access to the learning they need to stay safe, healthy and understand their rights as individuals

Temple Learning Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH